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The Factors Related to Nurses’ Behaviors in Providing Palliative Care for Patients
           with COPD

           J. Prakhongpun,  B. Thongthawee,  and Y. Matchim 1
           Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University, Thailand

           Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) COPD patients with FEV1 < 30 % and
           were admitted to hospitals at least two times a year should receive a palliative care approach. These
           patients are often admitted to hospitals during their acute exacerbation phase.

           Objective: This descriptive study aimed to determine correlations between nurses’ knowledge,
           attitudes, and perceptions of barriers in providing palliative care (PC) for patients with COPD, and
           palliative care behavior in providing care for patients with COPD.

           Methods: Data were collected among 456 registered nurses working in general and private medi-
           cal wards in hospitals, in the 4th Public Health Region, Thailand. Instruments used for collecting data
           included: 1) a demographic data form; 2) the Questionnaire of Knowledge in Providing PC for COPD
           Patients (KPC-COPD); 3 the Questionnaire of Attitudes in Providing PC for COPD Patients (APC-COPD);
           4) the Questionnaire Regarding Barriers in Providing PC for COPD Patients (BPC-COPD); and 5) the
           Questionnaire Regarding Nurses’ Behavior in Providing PC for COPD Patients (BPPC-COPD).
           Demographic data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Pearson product-moment correlation was
           used to test the correlations among the variables.

           Results: The results showed that nurses’ knowledge and attitude in providing PC for COPD patients had a
           statistically moderate positive correlation with nurses’ palliative care behavior in providing care for patients
           with COPD (r = .362, p < 0.00; r = .302, p < 0.00). However, there was no statistically significant negative
           correlation between nurses’ perception of barriers in providing palliative care for COPD patients and nurses’
           palliative care behavior in providing care for patients with COPD (r = -.077, p = .100).

           Conclusion: These findings suggest that enhancing nurses’ knowledge and attitude in providing PC
           for COPD patients might influence nurses’ palliative care behavior in providing care for patients with

           Keywords: palliative care, COPD, knowledge in palliative care, attitude in palliative care, barriers in
           providing palliative care

           Correspondence: Borwarnluck Thongthawee, Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University, Thailand
   Poster Presentation Abstracts

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