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Effects of A Cloud Application on Knowledge Acquisition in Nurses Caring for
Patients with Acute Kidney Injury
H. Chen and Y. Tsao 2
Psychiatric Department, Taipei Veterans General Hospital Yuli Branch, Yuli Township, Hualien County,
Chinese Taipei, and Department of Nursing, Tzu Chi University, Chinese Taipei
Background: Using Google Cloud Classrooms in nursing education facilitates real-time learning for
clinical nursing staff, enriching their acquisition of knowledge on Acute Kidney Injury and boosting
overall learning satisfaction.
Objective: The study aimed to develop a web-based instructional material on “Acute Kidney Injury
and Care” with acceptable content validity, incorporating Google Cloud Classrooms, and to analyze
the effectiveness of nurses in learning professional knowledge under traditional and new teaching
methods. Using a quasi-experimental design and employing purposive sampling, 129 Taiwanese
nurses who have more opportunities to care for patients at risk or diagnosed with acute kidney injury
were recruited. The data collection was conducted with a pre-test (T0), post-test (T1), and follow-up
assessment (T2).
Methods: For knowledge acquisition, the participating nurses in Group B were instructed to study
through the online Google Classroom with add-ons, while nurses in Group A were provided with
traditional learning. Nurses’ learning outcomes were assessed using the Acute Kidney Injury
Knowledge (AKIK) questionnaire.
Results: A significant difference in AKIK scores was observed between Group B and Group A over time.
Nurses in Group B demonstrated significantly higher learning satisfaction than those in Group A.
Conclusion: The utilization of Google Classroom, compared to the conventional method, is more
effective in facilitating the acquisition of specific professional knowledge for clinical nurses. This type
of instructional approach could apply to other disciplines as well.
Keywords: acute kidney injury, cloud application, knowledges, nurses, learning satisfaction
Correspondence: Hung Wu Chen, Psychiatric Department, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Yuli Branch, Yuli Township, Chinese Taipei
Poster Presentation Abstracts