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A Study on the Effect of Auricular Acupressure on the Intervention of Patients
with Dementia of Kidney Essence Deficiency Type
W. Liu 1
School of Nursing, Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China
Background: With the increasing prevalence of dementia in China, this study applied auricular
acupressure to dementia patients in order to delay the progression of dementia and improve their
quality of life.
Objective: To investigate the clincal efficacy of auricular acupressure on cognitive funtion, sleep
quality and Chinese medicine symptoms in elderly dementia patients with kidney essence deficiency.
Methods: In September 2023, 86 elderly dementia patients with kidney essence deficiency type were
randomly divided into a control group and an experimental group, with 43 cases in each group,
selected from a tertiary Grade A hospital in Liaoning Province,China. Both groups of patients received
routine treatment and care,while the experimental group received 12 weeks of auricular acupressure.
Compare the improvement of cognitive function, sleep quality, and Chinese medicine symptoms
between the experimental group and the control group after intervention. When analyzing count
data that conforms to a normal distribution, indepment sample t-teste are used, while Mann Whitney
U-tests are uesd for date that does not conform to a normal distribution.
Results: The MMSE total score, orientation, language and visuospatial ability of the experimental group
increased compared with the control group after the intervention, and the difference was statistically
significant(P=0.001); the PSQI total score, sleep quality, and sleep duration scores decreased
compared with the control group, and the difference was statistically significant(P< 0.05); and the
Oral Presentation Abstracts
total score of the Chinese Medicine Scorecard Scale decreased compared with the control group,
and the difference was statistically significant(P< 0.001).
Conclusion: Auricular acupressure can improve cognitive function, sleep quality and Chinese
medicine symptoms and signs in elderly dementia patients with kidney essence deficiency.
Keywords: dementia, kidney essence deficiency type, auricular acupressure, cognitive function, sleep
Correspondence: Wei Liu, School of Nursing, Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China