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A Case Report: Limbic Encephalitis

           H. Chen 1

           1 Nurse Practitioner/neurology department/China Medical University Hospital, China Medical University

           Hospital, Chinese Taipei

           Background: Limbic encephalitis is an immune-mediated syndrome. It is characterized by psychiatric
           symptoms, seizures, and abnormal movements. This syndrome has mainly been described in young
           females. It is commonly associated with mature ovarian teratomas. Early diagnosis, prompt
           immunotherapy, and plasma exchange led to a full recovery following the initial diagnosis.

           Objective: This disease is rare and more common among young women. When a patient displays
           abnormal behavior, unconsciousness, and involuntary movements, parents often become very panicked
           and helpless. Early diagnosis and treatment of this disease is important. Especially when the diagnosis is
           unclear, family members feel very helpless. Providing support to family members and accompanying them
           through the waiting process is a crucial aspect of the nursing staff.

           Methods: Data were collected from hospitalization records, and the primary symptoms, treatment
           approaches, and prognosis status before and after hospitalization were examined.
           Case Presentation: A previously healthy 19-year-old girl presented with sleep disturbances, incoherence
           of speech, agitation, and behavioral changes, including a childish mood, anxiety, and manic behavior.
           Accompanying the left face twitching are involuntary movements in the upper limbs and dystonic postures.
           The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) study results are as follows: Glucose: 59 mg/dL, Micro Protein: 15 mg/dL, WBC
           count: 8/μL. The brain MRI results were unremarkable. The autoimmune profile and tumor marker survey
           were normal. A pelvic CT scan revealed a 4.5x3 cm teratoma in the right adnexa. After undergoing surgical
           therapy for a right ovarian cystectomy, her level of consciousness improved.

           Results: After undergoing surgical therapy for a right ovarian cystectomy, her level of consciousness

           Conclusion: Limbic encephalitis causes neurocognitive decline and psychiatric symptoms and
           is treatable if detected early. Delayed diagnosis can result in permanent damage to the patient.
           Treatment includes resection of the underlying tumor, steroids, plasma exchange, and intravenous
           immune globulin (IVIG).

           Keywords: limbic encephalitis, involuntary movement, cognitive impairment

   Poster Presentation Abstracts
           Correspondence: Hsiu Kuei Chen, Nurse Practitioner/neurology department/China Medical University
           Hospital, China Medical University Hospital, Chinese Taipei

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