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Perspectives and Service Needs of Heart Failure Patients on Nurse-led Heart
Failure Clinic
X. Wu and C. Zhang 1
Nursing Department, Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union
Medical College, China
Background: Needs assessments evaluate the scope and characteristics of the requirements
within a specific target population, enabling services to effectively address the requirements.The
perspectives and service needs of patients on nurse-led heart failure clinic in the context of Chinese
culture are lacking.
Objective: To describe the perspectives and service needs of heart failure patients on nurse-led heart
failure clinic under Chinese culture.
Methods: An explanatory sequential mixed-method design was used. In the quantitative phase, a
convenience sample of 137 patients was recruited. Seventeen patients participated in the interviews.
The interview data were analyzed via content analysis, and data from questionnaires were analyzed
Results: The rank order in the health education service domain was medication instruction, what to do
with worsening heart failure, dietary instruction, observation of sign and symptoms, lifestyle changes,
causes and treatment of heart failure, heart structure and function, interpretation of laboratory
results, rehabilitation instruction, sleep care instruction, fluid intake, weight monitoring, and emotion
regulation. The rank order in the physical assessment service domain was measurement of blood
pressure and heart rate followed by evaluation of heart failure symptoms. The rank order in the
Oral Presentation Abstracts
appointment service domain was appointments with doctors and appointments with nurse-led heart
failure clinic. The rank order in the follow-up service domain was follow-up through internet, follow-up
through telephone, face-to-face follow-up in nurse-led heart failure clinic, and follow-up through
home visiting. The qualitative findings complemented the results of the quantitative study. Both
opportanities and challenges exist for nurses.
Conclusion: Patients had multiple needs on nurse-led heart failure clinic including health education,
physical assessment, appointments, home visits, consultations, follow-ups, and referrals. The needs and
cultural characteristics of patients should be considered when developing nurse-led heart failure clinic.
Keywords: heart failure, nurse-led heart failure clinic, mixed method
Correspondence: Xiaoxiao WU, Nursing department, Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical
Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, China