Page 197 - GHR_NursingCMU2024_Final.indd
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Relationship between Health Literacy and Self-management Behavioral Patients
Receiving Warfarin
T. Chobpradu and P. Paisarntuksin 1
Faculty of Nursing Praboromarajchanok Institute, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nakhon
Lampang, Thailand
Background: A study conducted at Lampang Hospital evaluated the intensity of cooperation in
healthcare among patients receiving warfarin. The outpatient group consisted of 4,442 individuals,
demonstrating a cooperation intensity of 95.09%. In the inpatient group, all 684 patients received their
medication as prescribed. These findings were reported by the Lampang Hospital Information and
Statistics Center in 2022.
Objective: This descriptive study aimed to investigate the relationship between health literacy and
self-management behaviors in patients receiving Warfarin. Of the 370 warfarin patients who treated
warfarin at the outpatient department, Lampang Hospital was recruited for the study.
Methods: The questionnaire about knowledge of anticoagulants, social support, and self-management
was used for data collection. The content was verified. The reliability of the instrument was 0.76 and 0.87,
respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s product moment
correlation coefficient. The results showed that
Results: 1) the health literacy of the sample group was at an insufficient level, 69.2 percent. In addition,
each dimension of health literacy showed that apply, understand, questioning and make decision
skills were rated at sufficiency 47.3, 46.9, 41.9 and 41.9, respectively. However, were rated at insufficiency
49.2 and 35.7 percent, respectively.
2) Self-management behavior has an average level of moderate (=93.43, S.D.=13.93), and when
considering self-management behavior classified by area, it was found that self-management
Poster Presentation Abstracts
behavior in both medical management, role management, and emotional management was at a
medium level (= 57.17, S.D.=9.02, =20.30, S.D.=4.22, and =15.9, S.D.=3.64, respectively).
3) Health literacy was positively related to self-management behavior at a moderate level of
statistical significance (r =.456, P<.001).
Conclusion: The results of this study can be applied to promote self-management by developing
program that can prevent complication from received Warfarin
Keywords: health literacy, self-management, patients receiving warfarin
Correspondence: Pannee Paisarntuksin, Faculty of Nursing Praboromarajchanok Institute,
Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nakhon Lampang, Thailand