Page 200 - GHR_NursingCMU2024_Final.indd
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Factors Affecting Urinary Tract Infections of Patients at the Urinary Catheter in
Lampang City, Municipality, Lampang
P. Khonthiang and T. Bunguna 1
Faculty of Nursing Praboromarajchanok Institute, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nakhon
Lampang, Thailand
Background: Urinary tract infection (UTIs) are characterized by inflammation of the urinary tract
caused by bacterial infection. Catheterization increases the risk of UTI, impacting patients by
prolonging hospitalization durations due to the consequences of urinary tract infections.
Objective: To explore the determinants impacting urinary tract infections among individuals with
urinary catheters in the municipal region of Lampang City, Lampang Province.
Methods: This study comprises of thirty patients with urinary catheters residing in Lampang City
Municipality. The research instruments employed in this study are as follows: 1. A questionnaire designed
to collect personal information of the patients, 2. A questionnaire designed to collect personal information
of the administrators, and 3. A questionnaire assessing the knowledge of the administrators in caring for
individuals with urinary catheterization. Data analysis will be carried out using a pre-prepared software
program (SPSS version 20).
Results: The findings disclosed that roughly 56.7% of the sample comprised of males. Approximately 76.7%
of the participants underwent urinary catheterization through their genital organs, and approximately 23.3%
retained the catheter for over 24 months. The frequency of catheter replacement every month for 63.3% of
the patients was higher than average. Additionally, 30% of the participants experienced symptoms related
to urinary tract infections or were diagnosed with UTIs within six months. With regard to the caregivers, 70%
were female, 66.7% had completed primary education, 36.7% earned an income of less than 5,000 baht, and
53.3% had a history of common diseases. Furthermore, the knowledge and ability of caregivers to manage
patients with retained urinary catheters were at an intermediate level (mean score of 7.77, SD of 1.04) and
a low level (mean score of 21.90, SD of 2.71), respectively.
Conclusion: Promotion of the prevention of urinary tract infections in patients requiring indwelling
urinary catheters at home, leading to an improvement in their quality of life.
Keywords: factor affecting urinary tract infections, urinary tract infections, urinary catheter patients,
caregiver of urinary catheters
Poster Presentation Abstracts
Correspondence: Theerarat Bunguna, Faculty of Nursing Praboromarajchanok Institute,
Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nakhon Lampang, Thailand