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Keynote VII - Recalibrating our Global Efforts through Strengthening Health Research

                                                                                                                      Keynote Sessions
           Title: Recalibrating our Global Efforts through Strengthening Health Research
           Speaker: Associate Professor Dr. Frank Donnelly

           Frank Donnelly, PhD, SFHEA, serves as Dean and Head of Adelaide Nursing School at the University of
           Adelaide’s Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. Beginning his nursing career at the Royal Adelaide
           Hospital, he later specialized in neurosurgical and intensive care nursing. Dr. Donnelly holds a PhD
           focused on nursing knowledge and clinical placement experiences. He is recognized as an Education
           Specialist and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK), and received the Stephen Cole the
           Elder Award for Excellence in teaching from the University of Adelaide in 2019.

           The global care community has responded to COVID-19 with a collective will and capability unlike
           any previous health challenge (Bookholane et al., 2021). The pandemic has simultaneously exposed
           flaws in health care systems while providing an opportunity for innovation, passion and commitment.
           The many lives that have been lost require that nursing, as the largest healthcare profession, takes
           a lead in the development of more informed systems and processes, while generating evidence that
           substantiates our impact. Key to this recalibration will be research.

           This presentation will consider the opportunity to recalibrate our global efforts in the form of
           a research proposal. Like all good research activity, we need to scope our topic, and then consider
           the design, population, methods, methodology, data and our intended audience. A reasonable first
           question is, ‘What makes health research stronger?’.

           Beginning with a scoping activity, literature suggests nursing and other health care research is
           sophisticated, well-constructed, rich and applied. It is however important to ask if nurse-led research
           reflects our role as leaders and influencers in health policy, governance and funding. Does nurse-led
           research have the same impact on policy and procedures as other disciplines? Many of us live in
           a world where funding, clinical outcomes and existing hierarchies work against the full integration
           of nursing research and health outcomes.

           Our research design should therefore be developed with global goals in mind. The strength of our
           research grows when we consider how we collaborate not just locally or nationally but internationally.
           Similarly, the population, methods and methodology of our global research designs must remain
           integral and transparent to our research activity. The rise of AI gives us unprecedented capability to
           communicate across languages and cultures, we have a collective will, skill set and desire, we have
           the strength to act.

           Bookholane H, Vervoort D, Manoj M, Malave-Trowbridge D, Jumbam DT. 2021 Recalibrating global
           health: how COVID-19 can bring us together. Journal of Global Health Reports.

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